Monday, April 16, 2012

Menstrual Irregularities - a Chinese Herbal Prescription


Menstrual irregularities comprise various symptoms:
o There is too much pain during the menstrual cycle.
o The cycle used to arrive too early or too late.
o The cycle lasts for too long or too short each time.
o The amount of blood flow is too much or too little.
o Menstrual irregularities can be artificially induced by using birth-control pills.
Menstrual irregularities can result in the following conditions:
o If irregularities persist for a long time, it may result in reduced fertility.
o Emotional ups and downs usually accompany irregular menstrual cycles.
o If the cycle is too late or too short, irritability or pimple eruption are the usual symptoms.
o If the cycle comes too early or lasts too long, it will cause blood loss and tiredness.
A menstrual prescription should address four things: regulate the cycle, nourish the blood, strengthen the kidneys/sex organs, and reduce pain. The herbs commonly used for menstrual regulation are the Four Treasures consisting of four versatile herbs. They work both ways whether the cycle comes early or late, too long or too short, and regardless of the quantity of blood flow. The Four Treasures are best employed as a platform where other herbs can be added depending on the patient's condition.
The following herbs are recommended as a combination:
1) Regulate cycle
Sheng Di Huang
Chi Shao
Dang Gui
Chuan Xiong
2) Nourish blood
Xiang Fu
Dan Shen
E Jiao
3) Strengthen kidneys/sex organs
Rou Cong Rong
Fu Pen Zi
Nu Zhen Zi
4) Reduce pain
Chuan Lian Zi
Niu Xi
Ru Xiang
A total of 13 herbs are used.
For further information, go to Herb packages or capsules can be tailor-made to suit your needs.
A video presentation is given on Search "askjohnfung" to see different topics being discussed.
John Fung is a practicing Chinese herbalist in San Jose, California, specializing in cancer recovery, allergy, anxiety, fertility, digestive disorder, skin problems, and other non-emergency conditions.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Menstrual Cycle and Irregularity - How To Deal With This Type of Disorder


We all know that menstrual cycle is very important to us but we should also know about Menstrual Cycle an irregularity- how to deal with this type of disorder that one face during the period. The irregularities in cycle are known as Amenorrhea. If you are having your period regularly and then it suddenly stops for some months then it is secondary Amenorrhea and if you never had menstruation then it is primary Amenorrhea. Another irregularity is irregular ovulating which can happen due to some inherent problems in your reproductive system. Some times when you do vigorous dieting you might not ovulate at all this can also affect your fertility.
Though it is said that a normal menstrual cycle is of 28 days but mostly it is different with different women. The irregularities also include scanty or heavy bleeding. Some times periods happen two times during a cycle. One should always track such irregularities as there might some complications underlying these problems so knowing menstrual cycle an irregularity- how to deal with this types of disorder is also important. Sometimes even one faces bowel that is linked to irregular periods this sometimes comes along with diarrhea or abdominal pain. If these irregularities stay for a short period then there is no cause of worry but if they persist over a long term then medical treatment is necessary.
You can also some precautions from your side to avoid period cycle an irregularity- how to deal with this types of disorder. Stress can lead to many irregularities in the menstrual cycle, so try to reduce your stress level. For this you can opt for meditation that will help you cope with stress. Food habits can be another reason for menstrual irregularities. Follow healthy food habits so that you intake vitamins and proteins maximum during periods. You should eat lot of vegetables and food especially that containing calcium. It is suggested not to exercise forcefully just a walk for some days will also work. Where necessary go for a medical treatment. When medical treatment is given often hormonal contraceptives are used to regulate menstrual cycle and helps in maintaining a balance of hormones in your body. You can either take them orally or through injections. Sometimes when the hormonal problem is specific then even supplements are given to regulate your periods but you should not take these without consulting a doctor.
Pinky Mishra is a Health adviser. For more tips on feminine hygiene and organic cloth menstrual pads visit her website.

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Irregular Menstruation and Menstrual Abnormalities


Puberty and menopause mark the two ends of the spectrum of a woman's reproductive life. Puberty is characterized by the onset of menstruation, development of breasts and appearance of secondary sex characteristics. The age for onset of puberty may vary across individuals, yet the start of regular menstruation before 8 years of age or delay beyond 16 years of age requires medical advice. Similarly, in the case of menopause, cessation of menstruation before 40 yrs of age or continuation after 53 years of age is unusual and a cause of medical attention. Both ends of the spectrum of a woman's reproductive life are period of great hormonal, emotional as well as physical change.
Menstrual Irregularities
During the reproductive phase of a woman's life, menstruation occurs every 21 days with bleeding lasting 5-7 days. In many cases the cycles tend to be erratic at puberty and menopause. Any cycle length in the range of 25-30 days is normal. Menstrual irregularities can be:
  • Amenorrhoea - is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. It may be a situation wherein a girl does not start to menstruate at all or menstruation stops after a certain period of time.
  • Oligomenorrhea or Hypomenorrhea- The menstrual cycle is infrequent with intervals of more than 40 days or is extremely light and scanty.
  • Menorrhagia - Menstrual bleeding is abnormally heavy, clotted and prolonged although occurring at regular intervals. Women tend to get anemic in this condition.
  • Metrorrhagia - cycle length is shorter than 20 days it its often associated with Menorrhagia.
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding- bleeding occurs at irregular intervals in varying quantities and may last almost throughout the month.
  • PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)- It may vary from mild to extreme. It is associated with feeling of bloating, pain in the legs, headaches and mood swings. Symptoms of PMS can interfere with normal social life.
  • Dysmonhorrea- Although not to be confused with menstrual irregularities, it is a medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. In many cases the pain is so severe as to hamper even day to day activities requires and use of pain killers.
Causes: Menstrual patterns can be influenced by changes in general health, sudden weight loss or weight gain, stressful life situations, metabolic disorders, certain infections, and anatomical and hormonal changes. Treatment depends on:
  1. type of menstrual irregularity
  2. age and built of patient
  3. associated physical illness or other symptoms
  4. hormonal changes which can detected by blood testing
  5. desire for fertility or contraception
  6. anatomical abnormalities
Types of treatment:
  1. lifestyle modifications
  2. exercises like yoga
  3. meditation practices to manage stress
  4. herbal supplements
  5. hormonal supplements
  6. surgical or interventional procedures
Since these problems may be long lasting and in many cases no obvious abnormalities are detected; it is better to start with treatment modalities that have few or no side effects and are simple to use.
Recommended Herbal Remedies and Herbs Supplements for Irregular Menstruation.
  • Shatavari - A natural herb used to regulate hormonal secretion
  • M2 Tone - a popular herbal supplement
Please click here to know more about Herbal Supplements for Women
Neal K is a keen follower of trends in Ayurveda and Herbal Supplements. He also has professional interests in the field and manages health related websites and blogs.

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