Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Menstrual Stages- Vaginal Dryness During Menopause

As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the cel layers that line out vagina become thinner more sesitive to irriration due to PH levels increases from 4.0 to 6. leading to low levels of bacteria lactcobaccili that make it more volnerable to infection. Women who are in the stage of menspause are experience vaginal dryness as the result from above.

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1. Itching
As a result of bacteria infection or vaginal dryness
2. Painful sexual intercourse
As a result of dimishing of vaginal muscus due low levels of estrogen
3. Incontinence
Most women in menopause are experience urinary leaking as a result of low levls of estrogen that affect the vaginal muscle and bladder muscle.
4. Infection
As the PH levels increase, women in menopause are at risk of developing yeast and urinary track infections
5. Etc.

As the ovaries no longer response to the FSH in producing hormone estrogen of which is resposible for moisturing and protecting the vagina against bacteria invasion as well as provide the best environent for conception by producing certain muscus depending to stages of menstrual cycle.

A. Diet (Refer to article of post menopause for general diet
2 foods have responded well in some studies in raising the levels of estrogen, progestreone and testosterone during the stage of menopause
1. Soy
If Chaste tree berry and Dong Quai are considered as queen herns in herbal medicine and TCM respecfully, Soy may be considered as queen foods with the power of raising the levels of steroid hormone of the women body, thus providing relieve of menopause symptoms. In the article of "The Healing Power of Soy's Isoflavones" by Monique N. Gilbert, the author wrote that The North American Menopause Society suggests that soy isoflavones can also be a natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy for relief of mild menopausal symptoms. They may help offset the drop in estrogen and regulate its fluctuations that occur at menopause. Many women have reported a reduction in their hot flashes and night sweats when they regularly consume soy foods, like tempeh or tofu.

2. Wolfberry
Wolfberry is also known Gou Qi Zi, Genus Lycium, belonging to the family of Solanaceae, native to Southestern Europe and Asia. It has been used in traditional chinese medicine in treating eye diseases as well as menstrual irregularities by raising levels of estrogen and testosterone. According to the TCM dictionary translated and edited by Joe Hing Kowk Chu, a study on 43 healthy senior adults in which each ate 50 grams of qi zi continuously for 10 days (as a therapy period). The blood tests showed that immune indicators IgA, IgG and lymph cell conversion rate were elevated, cAMP increased, cGMP decreased. The ratios of cAMP/cGMP were elevated to healthy levels. Testosterone were elevated.
Therefore, taking Quo Qi can reduce the symptoms of vaginal dryness and increase sexual desire for women in the stage of manopause and post menopause.

Further more. in a study of "Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental medicine Lycium barbarum against b-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity" by Man-Shan Yua, Sarana Ka-Yan Leungd, Sau-Wan Laia, Chi-Ming Ched, Sze-Yong Zeee, Kwok-Fai Soa,b,c, Wai-Hung Yuend, Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang, researcher found that Taken together, our findings suggest that LBA purified from the fruits of L. barbarum exhibit neuroprotective effects against extracellular Ab peptide-induced apoptosis. The neuroprotective mechanism of LBA may depend on the inhibition of the JNK signaling pathway. Future effort will focus on the isolation and the elucidation of the neuroprotective compounds from this extract. In conclusion, extracts from L. barbarum represent a potential neuroprotective agent which deserved to be further explored to
prevent neurodegeneration in AD.
( One stone for 2 birds)

B. In general
1. Lubricants
It is used during sexual intercourse to prevent painful penetration. You doctor will provide you with all information of type of lubricants which are the best for you.

2. Topical cream
It can be purchase over the counter. You local pharmacytical store will help you to choose worked best for you.

3. Etc.

C. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Women who are experience the sevre symptoms of menopause, including vaginal problem may choose HRT to release the symptoms. HRT is synthetic estrogen plus progestin and is available in a wide range of selections including skin patches, gels, skin sprays, subcutaneous implants. The medication have proven to release most of the symptoms of menopause but with series side effects, including cancer. Make sure you understand the benefits and risks of the therapy. According to the WHI study results, long-term combination HRT increases the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, blood clots, and stroke.

D. Herbs Please Refer to menopause article
E. Chinese herbs Please Refer to menopause article

F. Etc.

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